The Journal:

I want to be surprised!! Please don't post revealing pictures
of my dolly during the transformation process. However, little hints are okay!! Thanks~~Holly
She finally
arrives at her first destination. Such a blank canvas raises many questions as to what to do first. But then,
the answer fell into my lap in the form of the perfect material. Fresh from a cannabalized pillow came lavendar chenille
entrails, perfect for this dolly's locks of hair. I am rather pleased with the result, and I hope you are too, Holly!
-Jeanette, August 28, 2003
Ooh, entrails, that gives me an idea!!
Sept. 2,
The cute
purple girl arrived today in Boston and Jeanette's doll, the Elf, was overjoyed to see her. "I can see you! I can see
you!" he exclaimed. "You are beautiful!"
"I can't
see you", she wailed. "I have no eyes!"
So I gave
her some eyes too. Some lovely purple eyes.
Sept. 5
I am sorry to say the little purple girl is
feeling under the weather. I hope she didn't eat something toxic. Her tummy is a little bloated. I think she needs
a trip to the California climate to begin feeling better.
Sept. 21
The little purple girl, whom I have named Alice, unfortunately
did require some medical treatment. Thankfully she is ok now, fully recovered, and ready to go see Auntie Sunny.
It looks like Alice has grown some useful appendages on her body and added
some highlights to her hair. She's one sexy/spooky dollygirl. No wonder the elf/gremlin didn't want to leave her alone. I
hope they behave them selves for the rest of their stay with me.
December 31, Alice arrived yesterday and has decided to stay to celebrate new years with Carol, YAY! I have plenty to do
before you go home to your mom above is just a hint of what is done and there's more to come, by the way the elf says hi
he has become quite a man, check out jeanettes page to see what has become of him.
January 2, 2004 HAPPY NEW YEAR! Alice has woken up and realized that the whole ordeal was
a dream or was it? she is on her way home to see Dinah, just kidding there's no Dinah in this story! only Holly.