1. After Kata:
2. After Ori:
3. After Sunny:

Here's Night Mare. Now she's a even closer to becoming
one of Satan's Satan's Horse! She has become an evil unicorn. Her horn works like the exact opposite of a regular
unicorn horn so don't let her point it at you! I added a few accents to the eyes and sealed it all in with a fine dusting
of body glitter on her face. I just happened to have some hair extensions that perfectly matched the colors Kata used on NM's
eyes, a wonderful coincidence that worked out nicely. She's got some tattoos now and I'm throwing in some extra clothes since
"she's a real clothes horse", just like it says on her original packaging. Besides, strippers always have a ton of clothes,
4. After Samantha:
5. After PJ:
6. After Carol:
7. After Holly:
8. After Jeanette: