The Journal:

Ballyhoo arrived without much, well, ballyhoo, on a beautiful
summer day in July. She came with her friend Helly, who was next in line to be beautified. So while I worked on Helly,
Ballyhoo played quietly with my monster babies and other malformed and rejected dolls. She got along nicely with everyone,
and even managed to stay out of trouble the night Helly got into my paints! Ballyhoo especially hit it off with her sister,
Lantana. They did a lot of talking and doodling with my art stuff. Ballyhoo had a great adventure in the cemetery
one day with Helly, flying around, and climbing trees and looking for ghosts. She even remembered her mom PJ's birthday,
and picked out a gift for her (a pop-up book about animals). When it was her turn to be modified, she asked for sleeve-tattoos.
"No way!" I told her. "Your mom would kill me!" So we settled on a compromise....Ballyhoo's arms and torso are decorated with
a puzzle-piece design drawn with Fabric Dye in a Pen. She also now has red velvet fangies and a hairy red tail.
As a parting gift, I gave her a White Rabbit key chain, which she wants to attach to her back pack. Goodbye, sweet Ballyhoo,
I will miss you! Love, Auntie Karen